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#221 : Au pied du mur

Titre en VO : The Siege
Titre en VF : Au pied du mur
Diffusion US : 7 mai 2015
Diffusion FR : 17 décembre 2015
Ecrit par Adele Lim & Lisa Randolph  /Réalisé par Andy Mikita 

La loyauté de Marie est testée lorsque qu'elle fait une découverte déchirante - Alors que les troupes sont sur le point de rentrer dans le château, Marie et François doivent mettre de côté leurs différents pour déterminer l'étendue de la trahison de Condé.

Marie apprend aussi une révélation déchirante qui lui fait tout remettre en question. Pendant ce temps, Catherine décide de donne une leçon à Narcisse pour lui montrer qu'il ne pourra jamais la croiser de nouveau . Bash décide d'amener Delphine au château.


3.67 - 3 votes

Titre VO
The Siege

Titre VF
Au pied du mur

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France





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Photos promo

Le roi François II (Toby Regbo)

Le roi François II (Toby Regbo)

La reine Marie Stuart (Adelaide Kane)

La reine Marie Stuart (Adelaide Kane)

Le général Renaude (Vincent Nappo)

Le général Renaude (Vincent Nappo)

La reine Marie Stuart (Adelaide Kane)

La reine Marie Stuart (Adelaide Kane)

Le général Renaude affronte la garde royale

Le général Renaude affronte la garde royale

Kenna (Caitlin Stasey)

Kenna (Caitlin Stasey)

Louis Condé et Renaude

Louis Condé et Renaude

La reine Marie Stuart à une réunion

La reine Marie Stuart à une réunion

Louis Condé (Sean Tale)

Louis Condé (Sean Tale)

La reine Marie Stuart (Adelaide Kane)

La reine Marie Stuart (Adelaide Kane)

Les souverains de France Marie Stuart et François II

Les souverains de France Marie Stuart et François II


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France (inédit)
Jeudi 17.12.2015 à 21:40
0.15m / 0.6% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 07.05.2015 à 21:00
0.97m / 0.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

François rejette la faute sur Mary à propos de la fuite de Condé. Le Général Renaude offert d'aller le chercher dans la forêt.

Renaude a apparemment passé le test de sexe lancé par Kenna. Il lui parle même de mariage. Il veut l'épouser et être avec elle, elle promet d'en parler à Bash. Bash lui traine toujours avec Delphine. Ils ont beaucoup en commun pour la magie , la vengeance . Bash lui suggére qu'elle vienne à la cour et devienne la nouvelle "Nostradamus" . Ils finissent par s'embrasser.

Renaude sort de la forêt pour trouver Condé et le ramener pour le faire décapiter, et au lieu de celà c'est Condé qui le surprend et lui amène son fils, Bertaud Renaud, qu'il croyait mort et aux mains des anglais.

Condé lui dit, qu'il doit l'aider à vaincre François ou Bertaud se fera tuer. Renaud jure fidélité à Condé pour récupérer son fils. Condé montre ses intentions révolutionnaires clairement ,il a prit une forteresse militaire à Toulouse.

Kenna tombe sur Bash et Delphine.Kenna demande officiellement à Bash d'annuler leur mariage. Il lui dit qu'il va en parler à François.Delphine revient et lui dit qu'ils sont fait l'un pour l'autre et qu'elle a vu leur futur ensemble ,mariés, avec des enfants.

Catherine fait un cadeau à Narcisse . C'est un cheval qu'il avait perdu il y'a longtemps.

Mais avant que Narcisse puisse remercier Catherine , un émissaire royal annonce que toute la famille royale a été appelé au château en prévision d'une guerre civile.

François annonce qu'ils doivent partir pour leur protection. Marie offert de rester, mais François, révélant qu'il était toujours préoccupé par elle, veut qu'elle fuit aussi . François offre à Lola un plaid, il lui dit que si celà se passe mal, elle devra dire à son fils combien il l'aimait.

Marie a décidé de fuir le château, mais presque immédiatement après son départ, elle est appréhendée par les hommes de Conde. Après environ trente secondes elle se rend compte qu'ils travaillent pour Conde, elle saute sur un cheval, et revient au château avec une nouvelle incroyable: Renaud travaille maintenant pour Conde.

Pendant ce temps Narcisse va dans la chambre de Lola. Il lui fait une confession ,il lui fait comprendre qu'il ne peut pas quitter catherine car c'est une royale, et qu'on ne quitte pas Catherine. Lola ne lui a pas pardonné après le scandale du dessin .Il finit par l'embrasser. Malheureusement, un serviteur entre juste à ce moment .

Marie , François et Bash comprennent que Renaude et ses hommes se sont rapprochés du château. François, Bash et les hommes s'engagent contre leur ennemi dans un combat. Bash, parce que les hommes de Renaude montent sur les murs du château ,finit par contrôler Renaude. François se rend compte que Conde a des alliés espagnols qui sont arrivés.

Pendant ce temps, à l'intérieur du château, Claude et Leith s'échappént dans l'un des passages secrets ! Les passages sont encore sombres, et habités par des personnages mystérieux!

Les passages donnent aussi à Claude et Leith la chance de consolider leur amitié, et Leith confesse que Greer a brisé son cœur et que cette relation est terminée.

Pendant ce temps, Catherine sert au diner àNarcisse son cheval. Elle sait à propos de Lola et lui. Elle lui faisait confiance,ils sont fait l'un pour l'autre. Elle le menace que la prochaine fois elle ne lui servira pas du cheval mais sous entendu du poison!

Condé appele à une réunion avec François . Avec les nobles protestants aux côtés de Condé, François n'a pas vraiment d'autre choix que de l'écouter.

Condé dit que pour François c'est assez difficile: il est en infériorité numérique, ses messages pour les troupes au roi Philippe ont été interceptés, et il n'a aucune aide en chemin. Condé veut  son trône et sa femme.

Céder à Condé serait un suicide pour François. cela signifierait la mort pour Mary aux mains d'Elizabeth. Même si elle se convertit, Elizabeth la verra toujours comme une menace, et il ne pout pas simplement se sacrifier ,pour Marie. Il révèle qu'elle est toujours sa première priorité, qu'il se soucira toujours d'elle. Il va au château et lui dit qu'ils vont mourir tous les deux qu'il se rende ou se battre contre Conde, ses chances sont faibles de survivre.

Marie se faufile hors du château et va voir Condé. Elle lui dit qu'elle l'aime toujours et je veux être sa reine .François la détruira s'il apprend ...qu'elle est enceinte de condé! Condé promet de la mettre en sécurité et de la sauver!


Previously on Reign...

Bash: Was it your gift or your medicine that healed me?

delphine: I saved your life.

leith: Say you'll marry me, or we're over.

greer: I can't.

renaude: We may have a promising future.

kenna: Then let's see if we're good together.

Francis: Louis was approached by Elizabeth's envoy.You knew about this? That Condé was courting England?

mary: Because he felt he had no other choice. I abandoned him.

Francis: Do you realize that by helping Condé escape, Elizabeth could have a foothold in France?Condé's army is loyal to him.If he becomes king consort of England, we will essentially have an enemy army on our soil.Mary, this is the most dangerous thing you have ever done.

Akers: Her Majesty Elizabeth still rejoices in the idea of marrying you.And she's ready to give you her backing, if you take the throne of France.

A man: King Louis of France!(men cheering)

Opening credits

renaude: These are the regions where Lord Condé has been sighted.We've searched them all, but found nothing.

mary: It's been four weeks since Condé was last seen.

francis: You mean since you helped him escape.

mary: My point is that he might not be in France anymore.

renaude: Our spies in England and abroad haven't heard so much as a whisper from him.

francis: He's still here.There are reports some of his men were seen in the Bouconne forest.He could be gathering his troops.I want that forest searched.Take whoever you need.

(door opens, closes)

Mary: You think Condé's a threat. Why?He's lost everything, there's a warrant out for his head.

francis: Exactly. If I were him, I'd want revenge.

mary: Whatever you think of him, he's not vindictive.

francis: Maybe not to you.But I'm the one who signed his death warrant.

mary: What could he have to gain from striking out against you?

francis: The throne.He's a prince of the blood.All that stands between him and the crown is my head.My brothers are too young to rule, and no lords would accept Catherine as regent.

mary: You think Condé is planning a coup.

francis: It's a prime opportunity.He has the support of the English queen, who would like nothing more than to plunge France into chaos.And he knows that we're vulnerable, what with the bulk of troops in Scotland fighting to protect your throne.If you truly believe that we are under threat, then recall the troops.

mary: My throne in Scotland is meaningless if France falls.

francis: I have considered it, believe me, but bringing them back would take too long.And it would look like we're folding on another front.

mary: Then appeal to one of your closer allies.Your brother-in-law, King Philip of Spain.

francis: I have, already.King Philip is willing to send troops, but only when there is a clear and imminent threat.Not just my fears and conjecture about what my wife's former lover might do.

mary: I understand your anger at me, but if you could just look past it, you would see how sorry I am.

Francis: Save your apologies.Your words have no meaning for me anymore.

In a hallway,at the castle:

kenna: You weren't going to leave without saying good-bye, were you?

renaude: It seemed a shame to wake you.

kenna: Do you have to go?If you stay, I can make it worth your while.

renaude: Tempting as that is, I doubt the king would understand.

kenna: Francis is relying on your services more and more every day.You keep this up, you could become his lead general.

(moans softly)

kenna: What?

renaude: You're so beautiful.And I want to have my way with you without worrying who might see us.

kenna:I thought that added to the allure.

renaude: It did, at first.But in the few weeks we've had together, I've come to care for you.I see the life I could have with you.Then I remember... you're married.

kenna: Well, that could change.Leave it to me.Once you return victorious, perhaps we'll both have a change in status.

In a street,in the village

(indistinct conversations)(goat bleating)

Greer: Leith.It's been weeks since we last spoke.I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.

leith: Because I was. I am.But Princess Claude insisted on a shopping trip to town.

greer: And what the princess wants, she gets.Can I just say how sorry I am, about the way things ended with us?

leith: How's business?

greer: Good. Thanks to your generosity.Actually, business is booming, so I'll be able to pay you back.

leith: There's no need.I have no use for the money.Not anymore.

Greer kisses him on the check and leaves. Claude sees them.

Claude: So, how are wedding plans coming along?That's one perk of being engaged to a madam, I bet she throws a roaring party.

leith: Ready to return to the castle?

claude: Look at you, all business.Once you couldn't stop talking about the epic, insufferable love you and Greer share.Is the wedding going to be in her whorehouse?With whore guests and a whore officiant?If so, you have to invite me.I'm only teasing.But I am desperately curious about your upcoming nuptials.I command you to give me details. You can command me to escort you to every dress shop in town, or to stand by your door until I collapse.

leith: But there are some things that even a princess has no claim to.

Into the woods:

delphine: Spruce bark.It's good for treating infections and colds.

bash: You hunt, you trap, you bring people back from the brink of death.

delphine: You mean the ladies at court can't do all that?Or read a man's past and future by touching him? (Chuckles)They're more interested in dancing and embroidery.

bash: But I think your skills are far more useful.

delphine: Well, I'm glad you think so.For the longest time, I prayed my gift would be taken from me.

bash: Why?

delphine: When I was a little girl, I saw the men in my village drag a woman by her hair, strap her to a post and... plunge her into a freezing river until she drowned.She was a midwife.But when one of the babies she delivered was stillborn, the mother accused her of using witchcraft.Said she stole the baby's soul for the devil.Women who stick out are apt to be killed.

bash: I suppose that's why you've carved out a quiet life for yourself.

delphine:I've found it's best to avoid people altogether.

bash: Must be lonely.You get used to it.You're a gifted seer, and there are places where your talents would be appreciated.Do you know of Nostradamus?

delphine: I heard the Queen Mother herself depended on his counsel.

bash: With him gone, the court is in need of a new seer.

delphine: Me? At court?

bash: You wouldn't have to hide who you are or what you do.

delphine: I doubt the court ladies would welcome me into their embroidery group.You don't need them.

bash: You'd have me.At least visit the castle, and see if it's a place where you could be happy.I know I would be, if I could... look at your face every day.

Bash kisses her

 Into the woods:

Condé: Looking for me?That was a warning shot. The next will hit you between the eyes.How unfortunate that your men are canvassing a section of these woods miles away. Lay down your weapon.

renaude: Are you taking me prisoner?

condé: No. I'm making you an offer.You and your men can live if you pledge yourself and your army to me.

renaude: You want us to join your coup?

condé! My forces are stronger than you or the king suspect.And there's something else that might change your mind.

renaude: Bertraud.

bertraud: Father!

renaude: My son.It's impossible... he was captured at the battle of Calais by the English.You have the backing of England.

condé: I hate to use a man's son as a bargaining chip, but Queen Elizabeth insisted.Help me take down King Francis and Elizabeth will release your son.And you could become general to all France's armies under the new order.

renaude: The new king.You.

condé: I know what my future holds.The question is, do you?

renaude: When do we start?

condé: It already has.We took the whole town in two hours.They never saw us coming.The weapons facility is entirely under our control.Set him free.Deliver a message to King Francis.Tell him Prince Condé is coming.

The castle:

bash: This is where the royal family take their meals when it's not a special occasion.It's a bit ostentatious.

delphine: It's not that.I'm just more interested in seeing your quarters.Your bedchamber, perhaps?We could finish what we started in the woods?

Kenna: Bash!I've been looking for you all day.If you could excuse your woodsman, we have business to discuss.Oh, good Lord. You're a woman.Oh, you must be Bash's mysterious friend who lives in the forest.

delphine: And you must be Kenna, his wife.

kenna: You're exquisite.Oh.You have such a radiant energy about you.Oh.

bash: Can you excuse us?

kenna: Mm.Well, your new lady love is quite the character.

bash: What do you want?

kenna: I'm happy for you. Truly.In fact, it just so happens that I, too, have moved on with another.General Renaude.

bash: Renaude? The mercenary?Former mercenary.

kenna: Quickly becoming Francis's right-hand man.

bash: No offense.None taken, but how is this my concern?

kenna: Well, it concerns you in that you and I are still husband and wife.You said you'd grant me an annulment if the right man came along, and, well, he has.

bash: You're sure about him? Renaude?

kenna:Sure as I can be.

bash:I'll talk to Francis.Good luck to you.

kenna:You, too.Bash


bash: Now you've met Kenna.I hope that wasn't uncomfortable.

delphine: No, it wasn't.I'm not threatened by her.I had a vision of our future.Both of us, together, surrounded by our children.

bash: Children? It seems...(chuckles) ... premature.

Man: My lord, the king urgently requests your presence.

Decision's room:

Bash: Excuse me.

Man: By the time we realized we were under attack, Lord Condé's men had overwhelmed us.

Francis: They took Toulouse in a matter of hours.Go with my men.We'll need details of everything you saw and heard.

Mary: So it's confirmed.Condé means to take my crown.

Francis: Toulouse is the main supplier of our weapons to our troops.Taking it was a smart tactical move, but why would Condé announce that he's coming for us?

Mary: Perhaps he means to intimidate us.

Bash: Maybe he hopes to demoralize the soldiers we have into deserting.

Francis: Order General Renaude and his army to return to the castle.We'll need as many men as we can get.And send messengers to Spain.Tell King Philip to send troops immediately.We have an uprising to crush.

Into the woods:

 (horse neighing)(sputtering and neighing)(Catherine laughs)

Narcisse: This is it?

Catherine: Mm-hmm.

Narcisse: I confess, when you said you had a fun surprise planned, an hour-long ride to the middle of nowhere was not what I had in mind.

catherine: Mm. I brought you here to give you a present.(Catherine laughs, horse neighing)

(horse sputters)(giggles)

Narcisse: It can't be.Arion?

(Catherine laughs)

catherine: He was the finest Andalusian in all of France.Many lords wanted him, but I outbid them all.You know, back then, my lands stretched from Rouen all the way down to the coast.

Narcisse: Arion and I would ride all day, knowing that everything we surveyed was ours.I thought him lost, dead, when my lands were taken and my property sacked.

(sighs)(horse chuffing)


catherine: Well, I may be cooped up in a castle.Never forget, my reach is far.Think of this as a gesture of my continued appreciation for your faithfulness.

narcisse: You do not need incentives to ensure my loyalty.Surely by now I've proven that you can trust me.

catherine: I want to believe that.Then do.

(hoofbeats approaching)(horse neighing)

A man :Your Majesty, the king has ordered all members of the royal family return to the castle at once.

catherine: What's happened?

A man: I don't know.I was only told that your safety could be at risk. (horse neighing)

Decision's room:

Catherine: I knew it was a matter of time beforeCondé showed his true colors.I should have poisoned him when I had the chance!A few weeks ago, he was running for his life.

Mary: Must we take his threat seriously?

Francis: I'm afraid we must.We're consolidating the troops we have at the castle, and reinforcements from Spain should be arriving within days.

Bash: The royal family will be evacuated.For your safety, you will be scattered, and sent abroad to wait out the coup.

Mary: Take only what you need.God willing, we'll be home soon.

Claude: This is all your fault.We're all thinking it.

(baby fussing)

Francis: Before you go, I want John to have something.This was mine when I was a babe.My mother says that it should be passed on to my royal heir. I know that John will never be king, but he should know who his father was, and that I claimed him to the world as my own. If anything were to happen, tell him every day how much his father loved him.

Lola: I will, I promise.(baby cooing)

Francis: Be safe.

Catherine: I won't be needing a teary farewell, as I'm staying in the castle as long as you are.Your younger sister and brothers are safely abroad.

Francis: My only concern now is you.

Mary: Perhaps I should stay, as well.

Francis; That's not a good idea.

Mary: I could be of help.Our differences aside...

Francis: It's not that.I failed to protect you once before.If anything were to happen to you, I would never be able to live with myself.

Mary: Very well.I'll do as you ask.I'll leave at first light.

Into the wood:

(horse sputtering)

Man 1: Whoa!

Man 2: Whoa!General Renaude.

Mary: Is something the matter?

Renaude: Your Majesty, thank goodness we found you.The path ahead is crawling with Condé's men.It's not safe.I'm headed to the castle, as the king commanded.But my men could guide you to another route.You'll be safe in their charge.

(horse sputters)

mary: Very well.

(horse sputtering)(horse neighing)

A man: I'll send word to Lord Condé that we've captured the queen.

Somewhere into the woods:

(horse neighing, indistinct chatter)

Mary: Before the horses are rested and we continue on our way, I wanted to be sure that we weren't trading one unsafe route for another.When you saw Condé's men, where were they headed?

Man: One of our scouts saw Lord Condé leading a company across the River Road from the direction of St. Serafina's Abbey.Then they were headed east.

Mary: Yes.But Condé was last sighted in Toulouse, which is east of St. Serafina's.If he was approaching our last position, he would have been heading west, wouldn't he?

Man: Perhaps the scout was confused.

Mary: You also seem confused.Or is it something else?(horse neighing)

Man: Order your guards to stand down.If you come with us, Lord Condé says no harm will come to you.(groaning and grunting)(groaning and grunting continue)(horse neighing, men grunting)(horse neighing, men shouting and grunting)

Bash's room:

delphine: Bash.

bash: (groans)Damn. (Inhales sharply)Aah.

delphine! Oh, you're bleeding.Let me help.I'm...

bash: I'm all right.

delphine: You're used to taking care of yourself, aren't you?You don't need anyone telling you what's in your future.(sighs)Or who.I saw your face when I described our future together.

bash: It's not that I don't wish to be with you...

delphine: No need to explain.Destiny can feel like a burden.A yoke, as if we have no role to play, no choices of our own to make.That's not how it works.I've seen a likely path ahead, not the only path.

bash: I suppose I should be grateful you've seen any path at all, given the threats we face. Thank you for explaining yourself.

delphine: Better?

bash: Much.I should go.I'll have servants prepare you a guest chamber.

Lola's room:

(door opens and closes)

Lola: Could you fetch some warm clothes for John?

Girl: Our carriage will be leaving soon.(sighs)

narcisse: God save us on our journey.

(John cooing)

Lola: Stephan.What are you doing here?

narcisse: I heard that you and John were leaving. I came to say good-bye.

Lola: Mm. And what about you?I would think a man who values self-preservation as much as you do would have similar plans to flee the castle.

narcisse: The Queen Mother has elected to go down with the ship.Therefore, so will I.

lola: Should I expect more embarrassing drawings of me to appear, once Catherine learns of this visit?

narcisse: You've heard of our relationship.

lola: I had a feeling that your wager with the lords was a charade.Your real aim was to push me away.And who else but Catherine would want that?I don't know what's more contemptible, the fact that she asked you to humiliate me or that you agreed.

narcisse: I deserve that.

lola: You're better than this.You don't have to be Catherine's lap dog.

narcisse: No one ends a relationship with Catherine de Medici.

lola: Then why are you here with me now?

narcisse: Why do people commit acts that defy sense, even... self-preservation?Why did Mary risk her throne for a man she could never marry?Why did Francis see what his wife was doing and still look away?

lola: What are you saying?

narcisse: I'm saying that should anything happen to either of us, I hope that you will remember me not as the man who lied, who betrayed you.I hope you will remember me as the man who would have cherished you, if he had had the chance.

Narcisse kisses Lola and a servant sees them.

At the castle:

Kenna: Mary!Shouldn't you be on your way to Naples?

Mary: Where is Francis? I need to see him.The watchman saw you arrive.

Francis: Are you all right?

Mary: Francis, listen carefully.Renaude has changed sides. He serves Condé now.

kenna: General Renaude?

francis: Are you certain?

mary: If my guards hadn't defended me, I would be his prisoner now.

francis: Did they try to hurt you?

mary: They said Condé ordered them not to harm me.

francis: He probably wanted you as a hostage.What better wedding gift for Elizabeth than her greatest rival for the English throne?

mary: It's not important what Condé planned to do with me.The question is what he plans to do with Renaude.You said all Condé needs to do to win is kill you.Who better to deploy than a general who's close to court?

francis: Toulouse was a ploy.Condé knew that I'd send for Renaude.We need to keep him and his army away from the castle at all costs.

bash: It might be too late.

(portcullis chains clinking)(indistinct chatter)(indistinct chatter)

Man: Lower the portcullis! By command of the king!

bash: But my men...

Francis: Loose the chains and let it fall!

Man: Watch out!Move!They're coming!

Francis: Engage Renaude and his men!They are traitors!Keep them off the ramparts!(shouting, grunting)

Man: Archers, loose!(shouting)

Mary: Where is everybody?

Francis: They're hiding. We're under siege.

mary: You're being frightfully overdramatic.We have walls, don't we?

Francis: Walls can be breached. Run.Run!

Big fight between Francis's army and Renaude's army.

Francis: Back! Everyone back!Don't fire until they top the wall!Hold for my command!Hold!Hold!(shouts)Fire!(shouting)

In the castle:

leith: I'm outnumbered, but I won't let them take you.We have to find someplace to hide.

claude: The passageways.We used to play in them when we were children.Renaude's men won't know of them.

leith: Where are they?

claude: All around.You just have to know where to look.

Outside, during the battle:

(men shouting, grunting)(grunting)

kenna: Bash! Behind you!

(grunting)(shouts, grunts)

Man: The general's been taken!Fall back! Fall back!Well done, men. The first victory is ours.

(men cheering)(grunting)(panting)(birds calling)


Kenna: This was your plan all along, wasn't it?To get close to me, to gain access to court, to learn all you could about the king's weaknesses.

renaude: She has my son, Kenna.Queen Elizabeth holds Bertraud captive.I saw him with my own eyes.She blackmailed me, through Condé.Betraying the crown against my will was the only chance I had of saving his life.

kenna: And now that you've failed...

renaude! I'm sorry. Truly.I meant everything I said.I wanted a life with you.Elizabeth took that life from us.And now I'd like to take something from her.

kenna: What do you mean?

renaude: These may be my last hours on earth.I'd like to use them in service to my sovereign king.

In a hallway:

Kenna: Mary!

mary: Kenna. What's wrong?

kenna: It's Condé's army.He doesn't only have his and Renaude's men.But thanks to Elizabeth's gold and support, he has the armies of hundreds of French Protestant lords at his command.

(men shouting, horses neighing)

Bash,Mary and Francis are on the roof:

Francis: They started arriving in the last hour.And more all the time.

Bash: My watchman puts Condé's forces at 900, maybe 1,000 men.There's still a chance for us to get you beyond the castle walls and to safety.

Francis: It's too late for that.The fight is upon us, and a king must stand his ground.The castle's a good stronghold.

bash: It's built to withstand any siege.Not against these odds.

Francis: Our numbers are vastly inferior.Which is why you're arming women and teenage boys.

bash: But what chance do they have against 900 trained soldiers?

Francis: We need every able-bodied person we can get.King Philip's troops are still days away.

bash: Can we hold off Condé's army until then?

Francis: We have to.It's our only chance for survival.My lord. We've received a message from the enemy.

A man: Prince Condé requests a meeting with the king.One-on-one.(clattering in distance)

In a passageway:

claude: Who's there?

leith: It's all right. You're safe.I have orders to escort you to the ballroom, where women and children will be safe and under heavy guard.

claude: You might have saved my life by helping me reach the tunnels.

leith: I protected you. It's my duty.

claude: I'm sorry.For being difficult, for constantly poking about in your private life.

leith: Claude...

claude: No.You take your job seriously.You proved that today.I can take it seriously, too.

leith: Yesterday I snapped at you, when you asked about Greer and the wedding.

claude: Leith, you don't have to...

leith: There isn't going to be any wedding.It's over. Greer ended it.She'd rather be alone than with a man who can never make her feel safe.

claude: Greer has a fierce streak of independence, and that's something I can relate to.But having you in my corner like I did today, if I could have that for life...


Who's there?!(gasping)Who was it?

leith: What did you see?

claude: Something in the shadows. Someone.He was right there.

leith: Go back inside.

Catherine's room:

narcisse: Your invitation was most unexpected.The other women and children are all huddled together in the ballroom, contemplating their mortality.And as scintillating as I'm sure their company would prove to be, I'd prefer to go out with a fine meal in my belly.

catherine: Mm.

narcisse: I appreciate the gesture, but the men could use my help in preparing for the battle to come.I'm sure Bash and his team are more than prepared.I led armies.Surely those skills still count for something.Something more than just occupying the Queen Mother.

catherine: Perhaps your annoyance stems not from missing out on the impending fight, but from missing your precious Lady Lola?

narcisse: I thought we'd put that particular brand of jealousy to bed.

catherine: I've been watching you, Stephan.

narcisse: Oh, you mean you've been having me followed?

catherine: My spies... they saw you and Lola outside a brothel in the village.

narcisse: That was weeks ago, and it was nothing more than a chance encounter.

catherine: And just today you were seen embracing her mere feet from where my grandson lay sleeping.Was that also nothing?

narcisse: I was saying good-bye.

catherine: Because even after swearing your allegiance to me, nothing could stop you from stealing a kiss from that child as she fled the castle.What's wrong?Have you lost your appetite?Had I known the strings attached, I might have declined the offer.No.Not after I worked so hard to prepare you a special dinner.I hope your steak wasn't too gamey.With the castle on lockdown, provisions are low, and the kitchen staff... they're not accustomed to preparing horsemeat.Especially on such short notice.

narcisse: Arion?My horse.(gags)(coughing)

catherine: I love you.I'm your equal!You convinced me of that.We belong together.I won't lose you to another.And especially not her.

narcisse: This is love to you?Strangling someone with threats and ruthlessly controlling them just to ease your own fears?

catherine! I ease my fears because they're mine, because they matter.I'm a woman. I won't accept what that means anymore. I won't bow to a lover.I was forced to do that once for a king.But you... are most certainly not a king.

narcisse: And you honestly think that we can move forward?That I can accept this behavior and remain at your side?

catherine: You claimed to love me for my fierce will.But you seem to have remained a man of your times, who must learn that loving me means loyalty and sacrifice.I have faith. In time, you will exercise both because I've given you my heart.But should you not... should I feel mistreated...Well, mark my words, my response will be a hell of a lot worse than a gristly piece of meat.

In a hallway:

claude: War is nearly upon us. I will pray for your safety.It was some sort of demon.

leith: You're frightened.But I searched the tunnel.If someone was there, they're gone.You don't believe me.

claude: But I know what I saw.

leith: Come with me.You'll feel better when you join the others.Nothing can get to you there.

Francis's room:
 Man: Archers, hold.

condé: I wish there was a way to end this without bloodshed.

Francis: Whose blood concerns you more... your husband's or your lover's?As my archers would indicate, I don't appreciate being summoned by a traitor.

condé: Give up the castle. Surrender peacefully.

Francis: Surrender?I am the king of France.

condé: Surrender will save the soldiers and innocent lives you still have left.It could save Mary.

francis: Mary is Elizabeth's chief rival.If I allow you to take the castle, she'll demand the Queen of Scots' head on a platter.

condé: Elizabeth is backing my bid for the crown.Protestant France would be reward enough for her.

francis: She will always see Mary as a threat.

condé: Not if Mary becomes my wife.She could convert. She wouldn't be the first person to do so for political gain.And as the ruler of a Protestant country allied with England, she would no longer be a threat to Elizabeth.

Francis: Do you honestly believe that I would give up my kingdom, my wife?

condé: Surrender now and Mary will live.

Francis: Your plan relies on the cooperation of a fickle English queen who does not take kindly to the advice of others.It also relies on me losing my head.

condé: There can't be two kings.

francis: No.There cannot.Which is why I reject your offer.I refuse to surrender.My reign will not end without a fight.Doesn't Mary's life mean anything to you?

condé: It means a great deal.

FRancis: Which is why you're the last man I'd entrust it to.

condé!You still think you can win, don't you?That there's help on the way, that King Philip will save you?That's right. I know all about the messengers.The urgent cry to Spain for help.The first didn't reach the border before my men intercepted him.The second, too, fought valiantly, but he was outmatched and captured.The third...Well, he's no longer with us.There is no help on the way.No one is coming for you.Surrender, Francis... or we'll attack at dawn.

Delphine's room:

DELPHINE: How do you feel now?

man: Rather well.Perfect.What are you doing?What's that?

delphine: Preparations.

man: A bloody shirt? I'm just a servant.While I appreciate you sharing your wine with me...

delphine: Don't worry.I think you'll be pleased

man: Is this because we're all gonna die?Heard the armies outside attack at dawn.I couldn't help thinking myself I'd rather like to have a last go.Is that what this is?

delphine: It's a binding ritual.

man: A what?

delphine: Lie down.

man: What was that?What did I just say?You're speaking Pagan.I don't feel like myself.

delphine: That's because you're not yourself.

Delphine is slepping with that man who looks like bash.

Room in the castle:

francis: If I thought for a moment that Condé could guarantee your survival, I would have agreed.

mary: Surrendered?Lost the castle and your life without a fight?

francis: I am the king, but I am also a husband. Condé's still in love with you, Mary.That's why he kidnapped you.He sees a future for the two of you after my death.Nothing has changed for him.And he probably justifies this whole thing... the coup and waging war on his home country... by clinging to the idea that he can somehow save your life.But he can't save you, not from Elizabeth.And come tomorrow, barring a miracle, we will both be dead.Just know, whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us.

Condé's place, into the woods:

condé: I told you not to disturb me.Mary.Leave us.

mary: Francis told me what you said.That you wanted to keep me safe.That you wanted to take the crown and make me your wife.

condé: That's all I ever wanted.

mary: I've come to tell you that's what I want, too.

condé: No. What sort of trickery...

mary: It's not a trick. Louis, please.You know I loved you.And real love never fades, not truly.You have to believe me.I can't be with Francis.Not now.

condé: Yet you've chosen him over me, time and again.

mary: He is my husband and I don't want harm to come to him.But something has happened.If Francis wins this fight... if he holds on to his crown... then my fate is sealed. My death is sealed.Francis would never let that happen to you.No matter how much you've hurt him.There is evidence of our affair.Of our love and my treason.Evidence that even Francis could never pardon.I haven't shared a bed with my husband in months.And yet, still...Louis, I am pregnant.I am carrying your child.Please, save me.

Kikavu ?

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