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#217 : L'heure du choix

Titre en VO : Tempting Fate
Titre en VF : L'heure du choix
Diffusion US : 19 mars 2015
Diffusion FR : 10 décembre 2015
Ecrit par Lisa Randolph /Réalisé par Sudz Sutherland

MARIE EST SUR LE POINT DE SE FAIRE DEMASQUER- Lorsque Catherine devient suspecte que Marie et Condé aient une liaison, Marie risque de lui faire découvrir également la profondeur de sa trahison. François devient gravement malade après s'être effondré et la vie de Bash est en danger quand il part travailler comme adjoint du roi. Pendant ce temps, les choses se compliquent pour Leith quand il est forcé d'être le garde personnel de Claude après avoir professé son amour pour Greer.



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Titre VO
Tempting Fate

Titre VF
L'heure du choix

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Marie Stuart et Lola

Marie Stuart et Lola

Louis Condé et Marie Stuart

Louis Condé et Marie Stuart

Marie Stuart et Louis Condé

Marie Stuart et Louis Condé


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Jeudi 10.12.2015 à 20:50
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L'agent que Marie a embauché pour assurer sa sécurité pour elle et Louis ,est  tué par un homme à l'extérieur d'une taverne, avec la lettre de Marie volée dans le processus. L'agent devait aller en Ecosse la semaine suivante, puis envoyer un mot à Marie pour lui faire savoir que c'était sur pour elle de voyager. Louis n'est pas nommé dans la lettre estampillée du sceau de Marie, mais la vie de Marie est certainement en danger.

Catherine commence à suspecte la relation de Marie avec Louis et François tente de l'en disuader, disant que Marie n'aurait jamais une liaison avec quelqu'un d'autre, qu'elle lui est fidèle et loyale. François demande à Marie d'être plus discrète, car il ne peut pas contrôler l'envie de vengence de sa mère.Marie se rend compte que, même sans l'agent, elle et Louis doivent partir immédiatement.

Pendant ce temps, Louis a toujours des réunions avec l'envoyé de la reine Elizabeth et il apprend qu'Elizabeth veut le voir en personne avant d'accepter de l'épouser. L'envoyé informe Louis qu'ils doivent partir pour l'Angleterre dans deux jours, ce qui ne donnent pas assez de temps à Louis et Marie pour s'enfuir.

Louis parle enfin à Marie au sujet de ses réunions et elle est naturellement dévastée qu'il lui ait mentir. Pourtant, ils avancent ensemble dans leur plan pour s'enfuir en Ecosse.

Marie parle avec Lola . Marie découvre que François lui a dit à propos de Condé. Lola lui dit que si elle se sent en sécurité avec Condé ,qu'elle doit rester avec lui, mais que François ferait tout pour elle car il l'aime.

L'envoyé est arrêté sur ordre de Marie et est détenu pour trahison. Louis délivre l'homme dans le donjon du château et l'envoie à un port en Ecosse , donnant à Louis et Marie une entrée en toute sécurité en Ecpsse.

Même avec ces nouvelles informations, Marie n' est pas sûre de pouvoir faire confiance à Louis et il ressent la même chose, il n'est jamais tout à fait sûr que Marie restera avec lui ou si elle retournera avec François. Elle sent qu'elle peut de nouveau lui faire confiance, Marie donne  à Louis son choix final, c'est lui. En retour, Louis choisit Marie et les deux passent leur première nuit ensemble.

Après que Kenna ait admise la semaine dernière qu'elle a examiné la proposition d'Antoine, Bash sent pas qu'ils ne peuvent plus vivre ensemble et il se lance dans une série de missions pour se tenir occupé .

Bash a une première mission en arrivant dans une première ville et il sauve une femme battue et enquête sur un homme qui a volé de l'argent à la couronne. Il dépouille l'homme de son titre et dit à son épouse de s'enfuir, mais quand Bash est seul dans la forêt, l'homme le poignarde dans l'estomac!

Heureusement, la religieuse nommée Delphine qui a sauvé un petit garçon quelques épisodes plus tôt, retrouve Bash et le traine dans sa maison. Elle peut sauver les gens en posant ses mains sur eux. Avant des soigner Bash elle lui dit qu'elle n'est pas religieuse et lui rappelle qu'il y a toujours un prix, mais il la supplie encore de le sauver.

Leith veut Greer quitte son entreprise et il veut l'épouser.Greer rappelle à Leith qu'elle est toujours légalement marié, donc Leith demande à François d'en parler au Vatican. François n'est pas vraiment d'humeur,et lui dit qu'il y'aura un prix s'il demande au vatican! Il ne peut pas leur demander et lui dit de laisser Greer partir.
Leith va voit le Cardinal. Leith mentionne qu'il est ami avec le roi. Le Cardinal semble intéressé,il veut en savoir plus sur son passage dans l'armée du roi.

Narcisse se réveille avec Claude dans son lit et il contine de la rejetter. Narcisse informe Catherine des rituels du matin de sa fille et dit à Catherine qu'il veut être avec elle , mais elle dit que leur relation est purement politique.
Catherine engage Leith comme garde du corps personnel de Claude!

Narcisse paye l'homme qui a tué l'agent de Marie et il lui donne la lettre, il va directement voir  Catherine pour prouver sa loyauté envers elle. Plutôt que de demander la tête de Marie, Catherine s'inquiète de la jeune fille . Elle se précipite dans la chambre de François, lui demandant d'arrêter sa femme avant qu'elle ne se mette en danger.

François ne dit rien, et d'un seul coup il tombe.  Le médecin dit que c'est probablement juste un mal d'oreille, mais Catherine est terrifié que la vision de Nostradamus se réalise.

Narcisse parvient à calmer Catherine . Elle a peur de perdre son fils et de devenir régente, de gouverner seule.Narcisse lui assure qu'elle n'est pas seule et l'embrasse et elle le remercie en couchant avec lui.

Dans la scène finale, nous voyons que les craintes de Catherine sont certifiées. Bash se sauve et peut-être que le prix sera la mort de son frère.

Previously on Reign...
Leith: I don't care what they say. I want you.
Bash: How did you heal that woman's son?
Sister: I laid hands on him.You saved someone at a cost to another.
Mary: I have hired an agent to gather intelligence for me.
Condé: I will go to Scotland with you.
Francis: You may remain at court with Condé with my protection.
Mary: Francis has had a change of heart. He's not going to stand in our way.When this is over, you will be running for your life.Be sensible. Meet with Elizabeth's envoy.Build a future controlled by you.
Nostradamus: I saw your son's future.His union with Mary. She will cost Francis his life.

Somewhere in a village:
Man: You there.What's your rush?Tell me your name.
Man 2: Collins.
Man :You were cheated back there at the card table, but I think you knew that.
Man 2: I've never had luck on my side.You'd think it'd stop me from betting on cards, but, uh...
Man : What business do you have in Le Havre, Mr. Collins?
Man 2: A port town of this size, surely you see your share of outsiders.
Man: We do. Most of them more than happy to submit to my questions.(grunting)(muffled shouting)(shouting stops)And what news do you bring us... from Mary, Queen of Scots?

In a church:

Condé: Were you followed?
Marie: No. But it's getting harder to find moments when no one's watching.I tried to get away from the girl who brings my breakfast by telling her I had a cold.Now the kitchen has me on a steady diet of plain broth and foul-smelling herbs.The lies are piling up.
Condé: They are.For me, too.

Kenna's room:

Kenna: But you're here now.Promise me you'll be careful.
Bash: You don't need to worry about me.Not anymore. That's a wife's duty.
kenna: I am still your wife.
Bash: Perhaps in name only, but I will always worry for your safety.That's the last of it. While I'm gone, I'll have the rest of my things brought to the commander's quarters in the south keep.
kenna: I can set up your rooms for you. Make them nice
Bash:Uh, Kenna, I have something that I wanted to talk to you about.Promise me... you will resist the urge to annul our union.
Kenna :Why would I?
Bash: For another.
Kenna: Bash, apart from you, I've only been lied to and betrayed by men.
Bash: Who want you.They always do.Kings and everyday bastards alike.You prefer kings.
Kenna: Bash.
Bash: Eventually a man will come along with enough power to make you feel safe.But until then, you or any woman is better off wed.Allow my name to protect you.
Kenna: I will

Outside the castle:

Mary: I can't keep living like this.The lies, the hiding.Facing my husband every day, knowing his thoughts must be consumed by images of you and I together.We must leave France sooner rather than later.We are leaving.
Condé: Your agent Ridley and his men are set to land in Scotland in one week.With his help, we'll know for sure if Buckhaven is a safe port of entry under Catholic control.

Mary : And your men are prepared to accompany us?They wait only for my word.
Condé :Promise me that when the day comes, we'll get on that boat and you'll leave all this behind.
Mary: Yes.For my country and for you.
Condé : Mary, we're so close.

At the castle, in the corridors

Catherine: Good morning.
Mary: Catherine, good morning.
Catherine: Mary?Oh, you look flushed.Are you feverish?
Mary: I'm sure it will pass.Thank you for your concern.
Catherine: Find out how many times our pious queen has taken her morning prayers in the chapel this week.Without arousing suspicion.

Francis's office:

Advisor: Though our forces have had great success in tamping down extremists, I'm afraid the few remaining only grow more militant.I would like to divert more forces to Rouen and La Rochelle.
Catherine: Why?
Advisor: Rouen is teeming with Protestants, but their protests remain largely peaceful.
Catherine: Uh, the king would prefer a thorough review of the subject before making a decision.
Francis: What is it?A hospitality matter.
Advisor: The duke and duchess of Berry have arrived and with them something of a panic among the servants.
Francis: You'll excuse me?

Catherine: (clears throat)Out.Now.Why are you so distracted?This isn't like you.This needs your attention.Where is your head?No one knows or understands better than me what went wrong in your marriage.And Mary has been through considerable trauma.But Prince Condé lingers at court with no pressing reason to be here.He is our cousin and negotiates for his region at court.He harbors feelings for your wife.Your recently separated wife.
Francis: Oh, careful, Mother.You need to be careful.
Catherine: I've been watching Mary.She's visited the chapel four times in the last five days.Do you know what would happen to them if they got caught?Mary's infidelity calls into question our alliance with Scotland, it weakens you in the eyes of Elizabeth and your enemies abroad.There are nobles here who would call for her head.
Francis: Mary has always been honest with me.(laughs)Despite the distance between us.She has no interest in Condé.She is loyal.To me and to France.(murmurs)Not another word of this nonsense.Not to Mary or to anyone.Certainly that trauma you refer to has earned her respite from your petty allegations.

At Burgess's place:

Servant: Some refreshment, Lord Burgess?
Lord Burgess: As expected, Queen Elizabeth was pleased to learn of your eagerness to foster a marriage alliance.
Condé: Hmm. Well, eagerness aside, I am willing to wait patiently for her decision.I would never want the queen of England to think I'm rushing her.
Lord: You're not.Her Majesty wants to make your acquaintance.We sail for England in two days.
Condé: A trip to England this soon is not what I'd expected.
Lord: Mm, well, Elizabeth's advisors have convinced her it's in her best interest to settle on a husband without delay.Now, a young woman ruling without a man to turn to for answers?To govern her in turn?It's unnatural and worrisome for England's nobles.Prince Condé?To an objective observer, it would seem that you're stalling for time.
Condé: Not at all.But we would need time to settle terms.What lands I'd be gifted, what..."Terms"?
Lord: The terms here are simple.To be considered as the next king consort of England, Queen Elizabeth would like to lay eyes on you.One's physical attributes are of some importance to Her Majesty.
Condé: Then send her my portrait.Hmm.
Lord: You will sail with me in two days' time... or give up any hope you have of becoming king of England.

At the castle, in the corridors:

Marie: Prince Condé, what a pleasure.Won't you join me?Where on earth have you been?
condé: I had business in the village.Ridley, our advance man, is dead.He never reached Scotland.I received a coded message from McNabb, his second in command.He found Ridley's body robbed of his possessions, including the letters to the lords at both potential ports in Scotland.
Mary: Louis, those letters bore my seal.They were a calculated risk.The only way for Ridley to prove the legitimacy of his mission.I need you to seek out McNabb.Find out what really happened that night.He's the only one who might be able to help us find Ridley's killer, and I can't risk him being spotted here at court.If it was a spy for England, we would sail into a trap with or without Ridley's intelligence.
Condé: And if it was a spy for France?If proof of your plan gets back to Francis, we might both lose our heads, whether Francis wants it or not.

Narcisse's room

Claude: Surprise.(sighs)
Narcisse: Oh.It's you.
claude: You were expecting someone else?
narcisse: If your mother knew you were in my bed, she would not be happy.A fact of which you, Claude... are well aware.Does this technique typically work for you?Pursuing a man who has already politely declined?
claude: Of course it does.I tend to get whatever it is that I want.
narcisse :Well...(gasps)... not today.

Greer's room:

Greer: The salt cod was a splurge, but one can only force down so much guinea pie.Salt cod, a splurge?You used to call it "peasant food."That was when I could only dream of walking through the village with you on my arm.
Leith: I am amazed at your resiliency, Greer.I knew you had it in you.
Greer: I didn't.Well, I'm glad you were right.
Girl: Ooh! (giggles)(knock at door)I'm ever so sorry to interrupt, but we're dealing with a bit of an emergency.I've got a willing bloke downstairs and no place to, um... ply my trade.
Greer: What about your room?
Girl: Well, I gave that to Gigi.She's been at it for hours with that handsome fellow in from the coast.
Greer: Tell your customer it'll just be a moment.
Leith: Last night, she wakes us from a dead sleep because she needs a gown for a john who has a penchant for taffeta.
Greer: Aren't people so strange and fascinating?
Leith: Maybe at first.Aren't you getting tired of this?
Greer: This...Gigi and Sharlene, salt cod and guinea pie... is my life now.I'm saving to rent a townhouse, but until then... well, you knew what you were getting into and I won't apologize for it.
Leith: Well, what if I could marry you?
Greer: Leith, I'm already married.To a Protestant.
Leith: Protestants believe in divorce.
Greer: Do you really think it's that easy?I can't even get a letter to my husband while he suffers in prison.He couldn't agree if he wanted to.
Leith: Well, an annulment, then.You could do it without his agreement.You were married in a Catholic ceremony, it... it could work.
Greer: Annulments require the consent of the Vatican... money, power...
Leith: We have powerful friends.
Greer: No, Leith. No.Please, I beg of you, let it go.My past life is in ruins, and I'm only just now starting to pick up the pieces.So much has been taken from me.Do you know what it feels like to be reminded of what I can never have?(sighs)You're an honorable, decent man who seeks an honorable, decent life.It's why I've always loved you.But all I can offer you is me.
Leith: And you're enough.

At the castle:

Mary: I'm sorry.We never even made it out of France.
Condé: Ridley led us as far as Le Havre.We'd taken rooms at an inn.Ridley got in on a game of Three Card Brag.In the morning, I found his body in an alley outside the tavern.By then, the letters were gone.
Mary: A victim of common thieves?A card game gone wrong?
Condé: Port towns are thick with dodgy characters.They're also hubs for espionage.We did our best to appear inconspicuous, but to a trained eye, a royal operative is easily made.
Mary:I think Ridley was killed deliberately.That there were spies amongst us that night.
Condé: Then I need you to find out who they answer to: England, France, or someone else.
Marie: Yes, Lord Condé.

In the barn:

Francis: I hear you're leaving us.What business do you have in the north?
Bash: It's a neglected part of your realm.And on the way, I'm going to check in on a corrupt deputy who I've long owed a visit.
Francis: I worry that may not be the only reason for your sudden departure.Careful, brother.Today may not be the day to embark on a long and dangerous journey.
Bash: And why is that?
Francis: Well, if you're looking for a fight, you'll surely find one.Is that what you're doing?(sighs)
Bash: To lose a wife is a difficult thing.As you well know, from the look of you.I suppose Condé's relishing the distance between you to further his romantic agenda with Mary.
Francis: Mary's smarter than that.She's given Condé a wide berth.
Bash: When I return, see that a drink is waiting for me, won't you?

At the castle:

Francis: Did you honestly think that you could get away with it?She knows.My mother knows.Perhaps I was delusional for believing that you might exercise restraint or possibly even reconsider taking Condé into your bed.Is this happy news? You look relieved.
Mary: Of course not.
Francis: I begged you for discretion.
Mary: I'm sorry, Francis.
Francis: And now I am lying for you, lying even to my brother, protecting you as you take comfort in the arms of another.
Mary: This is not what I wanted.I only wanted to find...
Francis: Happiness.I know.Your happiness.But I don't know how much longer I can maintain this charade.I made you a promise, and it's one I won't break.You are free to be with Condé.But I can't control my mother's appetite for vengeance.

Secret meeting, outside the castle:
Conde: We need to leave for Scotland.Right now. Today.
Mary: How?Catherine will have spies watching my every move.
Condé: There's no time to waste. If Francis doesn't have your letters, that doesn't mean he won't, and soon.We'll be found out, by him or somebody else.
Mary: Louis, don't you see? I'm scared.I made a choice, and I thought I had the strength to face the risks head-on.But our plans are crumbling around us.
condé: So we do nothing?We wait until what? Until Francis knows?Until we're discovered and it's too late to run for our lives, Mary?
Mary: Run where?Ridley's man McNabb is certain that a spy took my letters.Francis doesn't have them.If the spy is English and not French, then Elizabeth will be bolstering her troops in Scotland.Without intelligence, solid intelligence, we would be sailing right into an ambush.It's too late for me, but your name isn't on those letters.If we end our mission now, I can still save you.
condé: There may still be a way.I have an English contact, a high-ranking negotiator.He serves Elizabeth in France and abroad... and Scotland.He might have information about England's military strategy there.
mary: Who?
condé: His name's Lord Burgess.He was sent here to negotiate a marriage alliance between Queen Elizabeth...... and me.
mary: You?
condé: I've been taking secret meetings with him as recently as this morning.
mary: You... you encouraged such an alliance?
condé: At first, but not anymore.
mary: "Not anymore"?And when did you have this change of heart?When you were professing your love for me?When you pledged to stand by my side?
condé: I'm saying no, without regard for Elizabeth's retribution, because I believe in us.I trust you.
Mary: You're a liar!I trusted you! I opened my heart to a liar!
Condé: Mary, please understand...
mary: I do understand, Louis.I understand that you doubted me.You doubted that we'd even get to Scotland, because you weren't convinced that I would leave Francis in the end.When I was prepared to give you everything.
condé: I will find a way to see you home.To prove to you that I have no doubts that it's you who I want.Even if you could...
Mary : what makes you think I'd take you with me?

In a village, next to the castle:
Deputy: My region is happy to welcome the king's deputy, no matter the inquiry.Please, come inside; you've been riding for hours.
Bash: The journey was long.But the rumors of a man who swore allegiance to the Crown, bending the laws to line his own pockets, made it necessary.
Deputy: You must be mistaken.I've policed this territory for years and have heard no complaints.
Bash: Perhaps because you've silenced the people's voices.
Woman: A visitor?Should I stoke the fire?
Deputy: Back inside with you. Now.
Bash: Take your hands off her.Who left those marks on your face?
Deputy: Her face is my business.And she earns every mark she gets.(woman gasps, deputy grunts)
Bash: Take this and go to the castle.Use my name. They'll give you shelter and a job.
woman: Oh, thank you, but...
Bash: Go inside and gather your things.I'll make sure someone rides with you.They are born as women into a world that casts them aside.And then men like you, bullies, liars, think you own them.Their king and master.These women, who trusted you enough to care for you, to marry you, become your playthings.
Deputy: Your punching bag.You are no king.
Bash: Don't even think of going after her.You are hereby stripped of your title by order of the king of France.

Outside the castle:
Lola: You've been out here for hours.
mary: The cold air does me good.
lola; Mary, you know you can tell me anything.
mary: Lola, I feel so trapped here.So alone.
lola: You and Francis, I...I know how painful your estrangement must feel.But you have to know that, no matter your choices, you still have a husband who would do anything to make you happy.
mary: He told you.About Louis.You know about our affair.
lola: Francis trusted me because he knows I will support you, always.
mary: Do you?
lola: Oh...If Condé is the man who can free you from the pain I have watched you suffer, then yes. Be with him.Who am I to judge?
mary: Louis and I are done.He betrayed me.He's been secretly entertaining a marriage proposal from Queen Elizabeth for weeks.
lola: From Elizabeth?
mary: I was set to sail home.To reclaim my throne with Louis at my side.
lola: The risk you two are taking...Condé, to defy Elizabeth...You do realize that, if he turns her down...He said he was going to.... it will provoke her.He'll become an enemy of the queen of England, and I'm sorry, but for what future?You're a married queen.Can you blame him for his doubts?Are you still going to Scotland?
mary: Our plans have suffered a terrible setback.There's no hope now of making the journey safely, and... Lola, I'm afraid.
lola: When I came to this country, I left my family behind, my life.I was terrified.And I was just your lady, with little responsibility other than standing at my friend's side.But you, you were fearless.Standing up to the rulers of France again and again with a fire that I'd never seen.Fighting for us, for aid, for troops, for Scotland.Mary, you have been waiting for so long for the day when you can take your throne.
mary: It may not be my throne by the time I get there.And that girl who knew no fear, I am not her anymore.
lola: No.You are wiser and stronger.Remember that strength that so many have tried to take from you.It is in you still, my friend, my queen.Go.And if Condé can aid you on your journey, forgive him, keep him at your side.

Catherine's room:

Narcisse: I had a visitor to my chambers this morning.Your daughter.It was unannounced and not the first of its kind.Mm.She comes to me to annoy you.Because she sees that we've grown closer.Admit it.You enjoy my company.
catherine: You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can't seem to escape.
narcisse: Who stands by you and protects your family's interests at every turn.
catherine: Well, we share a mutually beneficial political relationship.To read more into it would be a foolish mistake.Your bedroom activities and who you engage in them with are of no concern.Don't announce them to me.
narcisse: All right then.I won't.I shall do as I please as silently and respectfully as any political associate of yours would.As any colleague with a penchant for beautiful women, or as any man who bears his inexplicable appeal to young lusty royals.

At the castle:

mary: This is not a reconciliation, Louis.I realized you were right.The only way to escape the repercussions of the discovery of my letters is to leave for Scotland.Unannounced and as swiftly as possible.I will use Elizabeth's envoy, Lord Burgess, to get the information I need to sail home safely.But I will need your help getting it from him.
condé: Helping you means betraying the queen of England.
mary: All for a woman who doesn't know if she wants to be with me, who may not even take me with her.
condé: I love you, Mary.I'll do anything to prove my loyalty, but I need you to be very clear about what it is you're asking of me.Where can I find the envoy?

Into the woods:

Bash: (rustling)(rustling)Who's there?
Deputy: A friend.(gasping)Your brother, the king, can't protect you now.

Catherine's room:

Leith: You called for me, Your Majesty.
catherine: Leith Bayard.(chuckles) I need someone for a special position.Someone trustworthy, discreet.You can view it as a promotion.It's the post of personal bodyguard to Princess Claude.
leith: The princess...Mm-hmm.... is such a refined and... and worldly young lady, I... I fear she would find my company boorish.
catherine: You need to be at her side at all times.And find a way to keep her occupied.
leith: You want me to take her on walks or horseback riding?
catherine: Claude isn't very sporty.(chuckles) She's very spirited, passionate, and, uh, it'll be your responsibility to see that she has a safe receptacle for all that... energy.Make sure she doesn't end up in the bed of some nobleman or a stable boy.Or your own.I need someone comely enough to keep the princess' attention and smart enough to know his place.Do we understand each other?
claude: Uh, you don't want a guard, you want...A babysitter?! I've just been informed I'm no longer allowed outside the castle, or anywhere really, without a personal guard.By order of the queen mother.When will you stop trying to control me?
catherine: When you stop behaving like you need to be controlled.
claude: It's not going to work.
catherine: I don't care what ogre you've entrusted this ridiculous job to...
claude: Oh, hello.
catherine: I'll leave you two to get acquainted.
claude: Uh...So... you're my new keeper.(groans)

Francis's office:

Francis:An annulment for Greer?
leith: I want to marry her.I'm hopeful it will bring her a better life.Since her dismissal from court, she's fallen hard.
francis: And I'm not without compassion for her.But her husband did fund an attack on this castle, however honorable his intentions.She is labeled as treasonous.
leith: It's not a label I gave her, but it is one that she is stuck with.She made mistakes, but she has paid for them.
francis: You are choosing a hard road by standing at her side.Protect yourself and your future.Your own status is on the rise; reach for more.
leith: But I love her.Your Majesty, I love her.Greer's husband is imprisoned.She'll likely never see him again.We could have a family, legitimate children.That is the future I seek.
francis: As a king, I often want to solve the world's problems.And I would certainly love to solve yours.But obtaining annulment is no easy task, even when a king does the asking.Every favor from the Vatican comes with a price, and God only knows what they would want for this.Leith, my friend.Let her go.

In a village:

Guard: Stay where you are, sir.
Man: What is the meaning of this?
Guard: You are arrested by order of Her Majesty, Queen Mary.


Mary: I know you are in France at the behest of your queen, Elizabeth.
man: I am in France of my own accord.
mary: Did you not think I would find it suspicious?A high-ranking diplomat avoiding an appearance at my court during his visit?What is this little English vole doing, scurrying about in secret in my country?
man: I'm hardly here in secret, Your Majesty.I've rented rooms in town.
mary: Where my guards have witnessed you breaking bread with known Protestant sympathizers.
man: What?Including Victor Caron.Your Majesty, no.No, none of this is true.I assure you, I have never met...
mary: Do not presume to think that you can lie to the queen of France and Scotland without consequences.As a feared and militant Protestant revolutionary, Victor Caron is under surveillance at all times.And your meeting with him can only mean that Elizabeth has sent you...No.... to fund and organize a religious revolt against the French Crown.Hear me now.I will respond to any threat to my sovereignty with swift and brutal measures.If you do not confess by tomorrow morning, I will send Elizabeth that basket with your head in it.

Condé: We need Burgess to believe his life is truly in danger for this to work.Do you think he bought it?
mary: I know he did.I wasn't just play-acting, Louis.I will spill blood to defend what's mine.In that regard, I meant every word.
man: Water. Please, some water.
guard: Shut your mouth.You'll be dead soon enough.(muffled screaming)
man: No, no, please!No, no.

Condé: Shh!We have to move.Now.Come. Come.
Burgess: Where are we going?This passage leads outside the castle.I'm a negotiator sent to foster a marriage alliance.Now Queen Mary suspects me of conspiring with Protestant militants?
condé: Doesn't matter... you're safe now.
burgess: When the guards find me missing, they'll search every ship bound for England.
condé: That's why you're not going to England, not directly.I secured you passage on a ship sailing to the port of Buckhaven in Scotland.From there you can make your own way home on land.
burgess: Thank you. Your queen would have had my head.England and I owe you a great debt.But can you order your ship's captain to-to dock at Aberdeen, a port to the north, instead?
condé: Th's a longer route.But Buckhaven is a Catholic stronghold, loyal to Mary.
burgess: I thought Scotland was nearly under Elizabeth's control.
condé: With Queen Mary safe in France, there's no need to rush a takeover.Scotland's infighting may soon solve that problem for us.Until then, Port Aberdeen is controlled by compatriots who, like you, are loyal to England.Consider it done.

Eminence's house:

Eminence: It is a tragedy that your son died without last rites.But if you want his soul to enter into the kingdom of heaven unencumbered by sin, the cost of that indulgence is eight livres, not two.
Leith: Please, Your Eminence!Please!
Eminence: My servant says you have a message from court.What is it?
leith: There is no message.I lied so I could gain an audience with you.Cardinal Desjardin, I've come to ask for an annulment for a friend.
Eminence: (laughs)The dissolution of a marriage, like lying to an officer of the Church, is an affront to God.
leith: I am told that the Vatican does grant annulments to those who are deserving.Or who can prove their loyalty.Please, what can I do to prove mine?I am a reverent man, and I will pay any tithe.
Eminence: You will pay tithes?I'm sorry, my son, but with what coin?I am a captain in the palace guard and a man on the rise.
leith: Well, I... I am a friend to the king!I saved his life! Please, Your Eminence!This girl, I love her!
Eminence: Tell me more about your time spent in the service of the king.

Somewhere in the castle!

Narcisse: I got your message, Renaude.
Renaude: Lord Narcisse.You've kept me waiting.
narcisse: Well, we could have done this at court over dinner and fine wine.
Renaude: What I have to say is for your ears only.
Narcisse: You've always been cautious.Even when you were commanding my army.When I had an army.
Renaude: I came across a Scotsman in Le Havre.This man, Collins, he entered into a card game with a group of locals, and was clearly cheated.I have no use for information about a petty swindler.Collins just let it happen.No confrontation.Gave up his coin and left.Eager to avoid attention.Exactly.When I tried to ask him a few simple questions, he pulled a knife.His mistake.When I went through his things, I found out his real name was Ridley.And that he is someone of great import to the queen.
narcisse: Queen Mary?What makes you say that?My God.Is this the queen of Scots' seal?A secret campaign to retake Scotland?

Catherine: Mm.Mary was leaving France?Leaving my son?A brazen move.No doubt encouraged by that Bourbon usurper at her side.I thought she was unfaithful.I had no idea the depth of her betrayal.I've already arranged for Mary's letters to be returned to them, seals intact.
narcisse: Mary and Condé will believe all is well, and their false sense of security will give them just enough rope to hang themselves.
catherine : No, that's the last thing that I want.The enmity between you and Mary since she returned to court is known to all.Mary is not the same foolish girl who was forced into our care.And I have come to care for her.She has faced many trials here at court as queen.She's grown.She's stronger. Braver... clearly.
narcisse: Sometimes bravery leads to foolish choices.And this is one from which there is no turning back.
catherine: I have no desire to destroy Mary or her reputation.We have to stop her.Francis must stop her.

Somewhere, at delphine's house:

Delphine: Don't move.You'll lose more blood.
bash: Sister Delphine.Where are we?You're not... wearing your habit.
Delphine: I'm not really a nun.I laid hands on you.Death is coming.
bash: Aah! God.Help me. The pain.
Delphine: You know there could be a price.The blind boy in the village.(yelling)Save me!I want to live.That's what they all choose.Every time.(rapid gasping)(screaming)

At the castle:

Mary: How did you find the letters?
condé: I've been in contact with the deputy in Le Havre, where Ridley was killed.He and his men captured and killed a common highwayman who had been robbing people passing through town.
mary: You think this highwayman killed Ridley?
condé: Ridley's effects were found among his possessions.Everything was there, the letters unopened.Then the secret of our mission is safe.Your loyalty will not go unrewarded.Everything is in place.Your trade delegation can be quickly assembled.And thanks to Lord Burgess, we know that Buckhaven is a safe port of entry.
mary: Yes.
conde:There is only one outstanding matter before you retake Scotland.Whether you still want me to come.

Mary: Lord Burgess is safely headed back to England.He and Queen Elizabeth will remain unaware that you helped me.That his arrest and his rescue was all for me.You've been playing both sides for some time now, Louis.It can't go on like this, not anymore.You can trust me.Not until you make a choice.Right now.Elizabeth or me.

Catherine: If Mary leaves with Condé,France loses not just a queen, but Scotland, any claim to England.You will be left playing a weak cuckold!I suspected Mary of infidelity.But this is treason.

Mary: Consider your choice carefully.Elizabeth can offer you marriage, England, power, a life of security.I know that together we face an uncertain future.But I still see it... in Scotland, I still see it.There's always a choice, and sometimes that choice is so difficult that it's a leap... a leap of a fool's faith.But my heart tells me that this is it.This is the moment.You are my choice.

Catherine: She won't listen to reason.She will listen to you.Francis?Francis! Francis, you... you... you must stop her!For both of your sakes!Francis?Francis.No.Help... help! Help!The king!My son... my son...

Chapel's place:
Mary: I thought I needed you.Needed us, together in Scotland.To find the person I was.I convinced myself that in order to heal I needed you by my side.But now I know.Before you dare to trust anyone else, you must first trust yourself.Your own power.That strength I'd thought I'd lost, I haven't.It's in me still.Elizabeth may be the wiser choice.But I can give you my heart.My full, strong heart.

Catherine's room:

Narcisse: What is it?
Catherine: Francis. He's dying.He's leaving me.The physicians said he merely fainted.He may have an ear infection, but he's sleeping soundly.You have nothing to worry about.The vision!Nostradamus' vision.He saw how Francis died.He foresaw it... Francis' death.It's all coming true!
narcisse: What exactly did he see?
catherine: I can't lose him.I can't.I'll be alone!Charles, Henry, they're too young to rule.I'll be regent. I... I... I'm not ready!The country, it's too weak.The pieces are not in place.I'm hated by everyone.They want me gone.They'll do everything in their power to make that happen!
narcisse: Stop it!This is not like you.You're worrying about nothing.You have no idea what it's like to be a woman.To be a mother having to face this world alone.If you believe anything, believe this.You are not alone.

Church place, Monde make out:

condé: We should stop now.
mary : I don't want to stop.
condé: I will wait for you.As long as it takes until you're ready.
mary: I am ready.To take back my life.The courage to give myself to someone else.To you.It's as you said.You are my choice.And this is our moment.Now, Louis.


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